Developing Components

This section is about developing, testing, and updating Marketplace Framework components such as:

We have two types of components: Bower components and Node modules.

Bower Components

Bower is the package manager we use for frontend assets. The assets are downloaded to bower_components and most are currently copied into the project with make install.

Development and Testing Workflow

To develop changes for marketplace-core-module first checkout a local copy using git clone. Once you have the code you can cd into the folder and run bower link (see the bower docs for more information). bower will now know that this is your local copy of marketplace-core-modules. To use your local copy in a frontend project like fireplace you can run bower link marketplace-core-modules in the frontend project’s directory to tell bower to use your local copy. If you are not making local changes to marketplace-core-modules then you should not use a local copy to ensure that you are up to date. To stop using your local copy simply uninstall it with bower uninstall marketplace-core-modules and then run make install to get the latest version.

For most other Bower components, they are copied into JS and CSS lib directories into the source tree where the project can locate them and then gitignored. You can employ some strategies for developing these such as setting up symlinks. We are sorry for this.

Updating a Component

When pushing an update for a component:

  • Bump the version in bower.json (e.g., 1.5.2 to 1.6.0), following semver
  • Commit the patch and push (e.g., git commit -m v1.6.0 important bug fix)
  • Git tag the version (e.g., git tag v1.6.0)
  • Push to Github (i.e., git push origin v1.6.0 && git push origin master)

To consume the updated component from a frontend project:

  • Bump the component’s version in the frontend project’s bower.json
  • Run make install to get these modules copied into your project and into your RequireJS development configuration
  • Commit and push the bower.json to deploy the updated component for the project

Node Modules

We have node modules such as Commonplace and Marketplace Gulp.

Development and Testing Workflow

When developing a node module, it is annoying to have to continually rebuild it or copy files back and forth between a version-tracked directory. npm link eases this:

  • Go to the project directory of the node module you are developing (e.g., marketplace-gulp)
  • Run npm link to create a global link
  • Go to the project directory of the frontend project you want test it with (e.g., fireplace)
  • Run npm link <PACKAGE_NAME> to link-install the package

Then changes are made in the node module’s project directory will be reflected within the frontend project it is being tested with.

When doing npm link for marketplace-gulp, make sure your project’s gulpfile looks similar to this reference gulpfile. We require tasks exposed by marketplace-gulp, and attach it to the local Gulp object. This is a workaround for issues with npm link and Gulp.

Updating a Module

When pushing an update for a module:

  • Bump the version in package.json (e.g., 1.5.2 to 1.6.0)
  • Commit and push to Github (i.e., git push origin master)
  • Run npm publish to publish it to npm

To consume the updated component from a frontend project:

  • Bump the module’s version in the frontend project’s package.json
  • Run make install to update the project’s node modules
  • Commit and push the package.json to deploy the updated module for the project


When updating a module:

  • Try to bump the bower.json or package.json in the same commit
  • Prepend the commit message with the version (e.g., v1.5.3 updated logs)
  • Use semver’s Semantic Versioning