
This section is about installation, command-line interface, and configuration of Marketplace frontend projects.


You will need Node and NPM installed.

Setting up an instance of the Marketplace frontend for development is very simple. For this example, we’ll check out Fireplace:

git clone
npm install
make install
make serve

This will:

  • Clone the project
  • Install Node and Bower dependencies
  • Copy assets from bower_components into the project source directory
  • Generate a local settings file at src/media/js/settings_local.js
  • Generate a require.js with an injected paths and shim configuration
  • Generate an index.html file with an injected LiveReload script
  • Start a local webserver with a filesystem watcher

Pulling in Updates

When fetching updates (e.g., after git pull), due to often-updating Bower and Node dependencies, you will often have to run:

make install

This will also do every part of the installation step above (except generate a local file since that has already been done).

About the Webserver

The webserver launched by make serve will watch the filesystem for changes and recompile anything if necessary. Here is what the webserver watches for:

  • When a Stylus file is modified, then only that specific Stylus file will be recompiled
  • When a Stylus library file is modified (css/lib or css/lib.styl), every Stylus files will be recompiled
  • When a HTML/Nunjucks template is modified, src/templates.js will be recompiled via Nunjucks
  • When a root HTML file is modified (src/*.html), index.html will be re-generated from the active template

To run the webserver on a different port:

MKT_PORT=8000 make serve

To serve with compressed assets (bundled CSS/JS/templates with no RequireJS), pass in the MKT_COMPILED flag. This is useful for testing in a more production-like environment:

MKT_COMPILED=1 make serve

The webserver will also launch a LiveReload server for CSS modifications. When CSS is recompiled, the browser sessions will automatically refresh their CSS stylesheets live without a page refresh. To disable LiveReload:

NO_LIVERELOAD=1 make serve

The webserver will rewrite src/media/js/lib/marketplace-core-modules to the bower_components directory such that the modules don’t need to be copied into the project. Our build tools at marketplace-gulp will be able to find the JS modules in the bower_components directory. We plan on doing this with our other JS dependencies.

Generated index.html

Note that src/index.html is a generated file. This allows us to:

  • Easily serve different templates when we want by copying other templates to src/index.html (such as when specifying TEMPLATE like above)
  • Inject a LiveReload script (with the correct ports) into the body
  • Have a single dev.html template that can switch back and forth between serving development assets and compiled assets

Building the Project for Production

Outside of the dev environment, we bundle all of our CSS, JS, and templates. We use Gulp to build our projects; our Gulp code lives in Marketplace Gulp. To run the build system:

make build

About the CSS builds:

  • CSS listed in src/dev.html will be minified and concatenated into src/media/css/include.css in the order that they are listed in src/dev.html
  • Extra CSS bundles can be configured in config.js, such as we do for src/media/css/splash.css. The files used to create the bundle and the bundle itself will not be minified into src/media/css/include.css

About the JS builds:

  • The JS will be bundled into src/media/js/include.js
  • JS is run through a RequireJS optimizer
  • The RequireJS optimizer will build a dependency tree by parsing our defines and requires to only include modules that are used. Although, it is configurable to include and exclude what we want.
  • The RequireJS configuration used for local development is also passed in to the our RequireJS optimizer
  • almond, a lightweight AMD loader, will be prepended onto the bundle
  • A sourcemap will be generated at src/media/js/

About template builds:

  • We use Nunjucks to compile all our templates into src/templates.js
  • We have Node modules that monkeypatch the official Nunjucks compiler to perform various (non-upstream compatible) optimizations to reduce the size of our templates bundle

Other things that will be generated:

  • src/media/build_id.txt contains the timestamp during that build, which is used to cachebust our assets in production
  • src/media/imgurls.txt contains image URLs found in our CSS stylesheets, which is used to generate an appcache manifest on the server

If you want to test the project with the built bundles above, serve with a template that uses the bundle, such as src/app.html. Read about the webserver above for more details.

If you want to disable uglification and minification of JS and CSS:

MKT_NO_MINIFY=1 make build

Additional Command-Line Interface

Most of our commands are brought to you by our build system and task runner, Gulp. And most of the useful ones have been aliased with Makefile directives such that we don’t have to expect developers to have Gulp installed globally. For commands that do not have Makefile aliases, if you don’t have Gulp installed globally, you can run Gulp through node_modules/.bin/gulp.

You won’t often need these, but here is a list of commands not mentioned above:

  • make clean - deletes generated and temporary files
  • make lint - lints the project’s JS with JSHint
  • gulp bower_copy - performs the Bower copying step described in Installation
  • gulp require_config - performs the require.js generation described in Installation
  • gulp css_compile - compiles Stylus files
  • gulp templates_build - compiles Nunjucks templates
  • node_modules/.bin/commonplace langpacks - extracts locales into JS modules

Changing API Settings

To conveniently change the API settings (i.e., which server the project points to) in settings_local.js, set the environment variable API to one of the server names below:

prod, dev, stage, altdev, paymentsalt, localhost, mpdev, mock, mocklocal

For example:

API=prod make serve
API=mock make test

This will simply overwrite the api_url and media_url in your current settings_local.js. To view the mappings, check out the Marketplace Node modules config.

Bower and RequireJS Configuration

Above we mentioned the installation and update steps will:

  • Copy assets from bower_components into the project
  • Generate a require.js with an injected paths and shim configuration

These two things, setting up Bower and RequireJS, do not happen magically. They are both specifically configured (though with reusable code and handy loops).

The base configuration lives in Commonplace, our Node modules, in lib/config.js. This configuration ships and is required with every frontend project. It sets up Bower copying paths, and RequireJS paths and shims for modules that we know ships with every frontend project (e.g., marketplace-core-modules).

There are two exported configuration objects, one for Bower and one for RequireJS.

Bower Configuration

We use Gulp to copy files from bower_components into our project source. This is standard. Bower recommends not serving up the bower_components directory statically for security reasons, and using a build tool such as Gulp or Bower to process components.

The Bower configuration, require(‘commonplace’).bowerConfig, for example may look like:

    'jquery/jquery.js': 'src/media/js/lib/',
    'marketplace-frontend/src/templates/feed.html': 'src/templates'

RequireJS Configuration

The keys of the object specifies the source path of the file within bower_components. The values of the object specify the destination path. The RequireJS configuration, require(‘commonplace’).requireConfig, for example may look like:

    paths: {
        'jquery': 'lib/jquery'
    shim: {
        'underscore': {
            'exports': '_'

This will be used to generate a require.js file that contains an injected require.config. It is also used during our RequireJS optimization build step. Our project runs on AMD so understanding RequireJS configuration is very helpful.

Note that anything you wish to shim must be specified with a valid exports. If your module doesn’t export/expose anything, just set it to window or something.

Extending the Base Configuration

The base Commonplace configuration can be extended within frontend projects in config.js. It will become straightforward once you check out the file. We extend the base configuration usually if we want to add a module or component that only matters one of the several Marketplace frontend projects.